Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lemon Rice Pudding

Big Chubb invited the missionaries over for dinner on a Saturday that Big Chubb was going to be gone on a camp out/not official scout activity. I decided to make this because we had some milk to use up, plus I didn't really want to have to go to the store to get anything along with cleaning the whole house, plus making dinner, plus dealing with Little Chubb and Baby Chubb (they have been naughty lately).

Lemon Rice Pudding

Boil 1/2 up rice in 1 quart milk until it is soft. While still hot, but not cooking, add 3 beaten egg yolks, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, 4 tablespoons sugar, the grated rind and the juice of 1 1/2 lemons and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Return to very low heat and let thicken, stirring constantly. Pour into a casserole. Top with a meringue of 3 beaten egg whites to which 6 taplespoons sugar and juice of 1/2 lemon have been gently folded in. Brown in a slow oven and let cool. The pudding thickens as it gets cooler. Serves 6.

Well, I didn't realize that this recipe was going to be so labor intensive. It took forever to boil the rice in the milk. I didn't know exactly how to boil the milk without it scorching, so I made sure to not ruin it. And, it took a very long time to thicken after adding all the other ingredients. Then the meringue turned out being funny and burnt in the oven (I'm pretty sure I had to take care of one of the Chubbs and got sidetracked).

It tasted ok. It isn't very sweet, so I would probably add just a little bit of sugar. I don't know what the missionaries thought. We haven't had them over again since this dessert.

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