Saturday, April 26, 2014

Green Jello Salad

I was looking for an easy side dish for dinner the other night and this was perfect.

Green Jello Salad

Lime Jello
Cottage Cheese

Set jello then mix in 1/2 tub of cottage cheese in blender (or beat well by hand or beaters).  Pour in bowl or set again.

We liked it.  I was lazy and just beat it by hand, so it was chunky and didn't "set" the second time, but it was still good.  Simply, quick, my type of food.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting side dish. So you're supposed to make the jello, then blend it in the blender? Wouldn't that unjell it? What size jello? What size cottage cheese? Not that I'm planning on making it - just thought I'd help out anyone who might want to make it in the future.
